The nerves are starting to set in.

A while back I was approached to be filmed for a BBC documentary and I agreed.

The documentary is about loneliness, covering many different aspects of life and how isolated you can feel when your a new mum.
My story will cover how i have coped and that I have found ways to overcome this.

The Buggy walk being one of them. (There is a previous blog if you’ve not already seen it)

Now the weeks are passing and filming is due to take place at the end of this month. So as is natural to me I’m worrying about all sorts.

Will people turn up for the walk that will be filmed?
What will I say in my interview.
Will I make a prat of myself?
Will I be well on this days
Will darcey be well?
When shall I get my hair done?
When will I get the cleaners in to blitz the house 😂😂
The list goes on …

But I’m sure the worry is a mixture of pure nerves and excitement.
Let’s hope so.

If anyone is able to attend the walk on 30th June 2015 please do let me know.


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